Upcoming Events

Predict Your Pace for Prizes

Predict Your Pace for Prizes

The post run festivities are hosted by Kelley, Kay and John with beer, water and snacks!

We’ll sign up for your prediction for what you will run 2 Miles in. Sign Up 4:30-4:40.

You can wear your watches….but NO LOOKING!! We are an honorable bunch aren’t we???

Warm up to “Predict Your Pace” start on Country Club at the bike path.

1.25 warmup is straight there crossing Moore Street bridge.

2 Mile Warm Up

Predict Your Pace begins at 5:15.

Prediction 2 Mile

Cool down back to Kelley’s for the fun.


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Predict Your Pace for Prizes (Copy)

Predict Your Pace for Prizes (Copy)

5:00 p.m. peeps should maybe park at Webb Park golf course and warm up to start.

The post run festivities are hosted by Kelley, Kay and John with beer, water and snacks!

Sign up for your prediction for what you will run 2 Miles with Jenni at her truck at the start,.

You can wear your watches….but NO LOOKING!! We are an honorable bunch aren’t we???

Warm up to “Predict Your Pace” start on Country Club at the bike path.

1.25 warmup is straight there crossing Moore Street bridge.

2 Mile Warm Up

Predict Your Pace begins at 5:15.

Prediction 2 Mile

Cool down back to Kelley’s for the fun.


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CHANGE: Starbucks LSU Coffee Run

CHANGE: Starbucks LSU Coffee Run

Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade is staging in the Main Street Market area and the market is closed.

This is an 8 Mile workout that can be shortened to 5.5 miles by taking May Street back to start.

Workout: mile pickups at 10K pace 3-4; 5-6 and 7-8.

8 Mile Route

Water will be at Lake Erie.

But you may want to put your own out at the City Park oak if it’s warm

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Poker Run and Pizza Party(4:45 is the only posted run time today)

Poker Run and Pizza Party(4:45 is the only posted run time today)

The Poker Run is hosted by Cathy, Elaine, Lizette and Susan.


Run the first (almost) 3 Miles of the map to Lake Erie start.

5 laps!

1st lap run a Pickup 1/4

Laps 2,3,4 - steady running and GET A CARD EACH LAP

5th lap run another Pickup 1/4.

Finish the map down Fiero to finish.

Poker Run Route


Pizza Party with free pizza slices and $100 beer tab.

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Celebrating the V Challenge

Celebrating the V Challenge

The V Challenge celebration run is hosted by Amy Hall and Laurie Clark

Amy is recovering from a great accomplishment earning her 6 starts in Tokyo. Details to be posted.

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Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!

Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!

  • Meet at Mary Eymard's but good parking is Catholic Life Center. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet at Mary’s

Dress in your Mardi Gras colors for the run hosted by Olivia, Shelley, Maria and Terry at Mary’s house.

2 Mile Warmup Run

3 x 220 on Steele Hills going back to start after each(even the last one)

Jog over to Hundred Oaks start.

Run pick-up half mile(moderate to hard pace)

**be very careful at Chatfield/Richland intersection. I’ll put out cones at start and stop plus Richland crossing.

Repeat 3 x 220(Or leave of to abreviate workout)

Cool Down.

Post run Mardi Gras festivities at 6:00.

Drinks, King Cake and a Mardi Gras Pinata!!

Prizes from Synergy Fitness and Varsity Sports for breaking the pinata, various piñata coins and finding the King Cake baby!

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Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!

Let's 2nd line the Steele Hills and let the Good Time Run!

  • Meet at Mary Eymard's but good parking is Catholic Life Center. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dress in your Mardi Gras colors for the run hosted by Olivia, Shelley, Maria and Terry at Mary’s house.

2 Mile Warmup Run

3 x 220 on Steele Hills going back to start after each(even the last one)

Jog over to Hundred Oaks start.

Run pick-up half mile(moderate to hard pace)

**be very careful at Chatfield/Richland intersection. I’ll put out cones at start and stop plus Richland crossing.

Repeat 3 x 220(Or leave of to abreviate workout)

Cool Down.

Post run Mardi Gras festivities at 6:00.

Drinks, King Cake and a Mardi Gras Pinata!!

Prizes from Synergy Fitness and Varsity Sports for breaking the pinata, various piñata coins and finding the King Cake baby!

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Breakfast Run from the Haser’s - either Killer Core Combo or Steady Run

Breakfast Run from the Haser’s - either Killer Core Combo or Steady Run

8 Mile Rouzan/Kenilworth

3 Miles - follow 8 Mile route to the start of Pennington Path and back.

5 Miles - follow 8 Mile route to Olympia Park and back

3 and 5 Mile Water at the Butler’s house on Dahlia at Clematis.

Hydration Stop for the long run is at Kenilworth Middle School.

V Challenge Killer Core Combo

Warm up - out and back with 8 milers.

**you may want to leave mat or towel and water at the Rouzan gate to path

10 x 440 with 1 minute exercise between each 440

Cool down back to Haser’s for breakfast

Let the Haser’s know if you will be able to bring something for the breakfast.


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City Park Easy Run

City Park Easy Run

I just went ahead and posted 4:30 since everyone has been leaving a little early.

I won’t be there because we/Rouzan gets a private cocktail party preview of the new South Branch library tomorrow evening.

Easy run since a lot of people raced over the weekend.

City Park Campus Route

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City Park Easy Run

City Park Easy Run

I just went ahead and posted 4:30 since everyone has been leaving a little early.

I won’t be there because we/Rouzan gets a private cocktail party preview of the new South Branch library tomorrow evening.

Easy run since a lot of people raced over the weekend.

City Park Campus Route

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Elite Training Academy Workout and Recovery

Elite Training Academy Workout and Recovery

Unique opportunity to check this place out after the run.

Experience the new Elite Training Academy and Ochsner restore and recovery offerings!
It's fabulous.
Thursday, 2/13 at 5:30. Only $10.
5:30-6:00 - core workout; 6:00-6:30 - try out some of the recovery treatment options.
Just show up.
5414 Burbank.

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