To support Red River Healthcare, an addiction treatment facility in North Louisiana. Corie and Scott are holding a shoe drive to support the needs closet at the facility. Men and women’s closed toed shoes are needed of all sizes. They can be worn.
Saturdays are for building strength and endurance. In simple terms it means we will increase our longer runs on Saturdays while building strength.
It’s never too early to start practicing pace and race tactics including starting steady and finishing strong.
1 1/2 Mile easy walk/jog to Goodwood Park start . When you get to cones at the park…run a half mile for time just a a benchmark. HALF MILE IS ONE LOOP AROUND THE PARK. Walk back to Corie’s.
5 Miles with 2 x 1/2 Mile
1 1/2 Mile Warm up to Goodwood Park
Run 1/2 mile pickup(cones will be out) HALF MILE IS ONE LOOP AROUND THE PARK. Jog another easy loop around the park.
Do the 1 1/2 Mile that you warmed up with BACKWARDS back to Park.
Repeat the 1/2 mile pickup(cones will be out) . Jog another easy loop around the park.
Walk back to Corie’s
9 Miles with 2 x 1/2 at beginning and 2 x 1/2 at the end of the run.
Run 2 x 1/2 at under goal half marathon pace(or faster) with 1/2 mile recovery. EACH LOOP OF THE PARK IS A HALF MILE
3 Miles steady - not easy jog but not race pace
Back to Goodwood to run 2 x 1/2 at under goal half marathon pace(or faster) with 1/2 mile recovery. EACH LOOP OF THE PARK IS A HALF MILE
Walk back to Corie’s
Water/electrolytes at Goodwood Park